11 November 1918 anniversary (leaflets) – Collection of materials, reports and leaflets related to activities of the opposition, strikes and repressions in Communist Poland

11 November 1918 anniversary (leaflets) – Collection of materials, reports and leaflets related to activities of the opposition, strikes and repressions in Communist Poland, No. 76/50

This November we continue to present scans from the Collection of materials, reports and leaflets related to activities of the opposition, strikes and repressions in Communist Poland (No. 76). The collection contains, in. al., leaflets of anniversary celebrations commemorating Poland’s independence restoration.

The enclosed materials were published in 1980’s in Bydgoszcz, Toruń, the Three Cities (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia) and Warsaw by members and followers of the Solidarity Trade Union in Toruń, the Federation of Fighting Youth (Federacja Młodzieży Walczącej) in Gdańsk, May 3rd Constitution Political Thought Club (Klub Myśli Politycznej im. Konstytucji 3 Maja), Inter-factory Workers’ Committee of Solidarity (Międzyzakładowy Robotniczy Komitet „Solidarności’), Independent Students’ Association (Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów) in Gdańsk, Józef Piłsudski Independent Students’ Association of the University of Warsaw, Gdansk branch of the Polish Independence Party (okręg gdański Polskiej Partii Niepodległościowej), Agreement of the Solidarity structures of Warsaw (Porozumienie Struktur „Solidarności” Warszawy), and others.

The November 11th leaflets contain announcements of parades, manifestations, special intention masses to celebrate the Homeland, and flower laying ceremonies. They appeal for imparting a constant, solemn and festive character to the Independence Day celebrations. They recall the need to oppose ”totalitarian violence”. They use such slogans as “Long Live Free Poland!!!” and “We shall be cautious with the cautiousness of the people, stubborn with their stubbornness, solidary with their Solidarity!”.

We have already presented excerpts from this collection regarding:

The collection has not been completely processed yet. It is systematically enriched by donors.

Visit us at the in the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

If you are interested in the attached documents and in our other archival material please contact us by email: 

/Łukasz Grochowski, the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union,
Iwona Flis, Stanisław Flis Foundation “Pomerania Archives”/