Piastowskie Informacje i Nowinki (PIAST Facts and News). The Newsletter of the Solidarity Trade Union of the PIAST Coal Mine, 1989

Piastowskie Informacje i Nowinki (PIAST Facts and News). The Newsletter of the Solidarity Trade Union of the PIAST Coal Mine, 1989

Our July portion of scans contains archival documentation of the PION Piastowskich Informacji, Opini, Nowinek – gazety związkowej NSZZ “Solidarność” Kopalni Węgla Kamiennego” Piast” (The Unit of the PIAST Facts and News – the Newsletter of the Solidarity Trade Union of the PIAST Coal Mine), dated 1989.

Newspapers published by various factory committees of the Solidarity Trade Union, e.g. coal mines, are a valueable source of information for those interested in history and social movements. They contain texts abounding in patriotic aspirations aimed at reinforcing the unity and the sense of community among the Solidarity Trade Union members.

Moreover, going into the Solidarity press, especially factory committees’ newsletters issued by coal mines, provides readers with an opportunity to learn about everyday challenges miners had to aim at. These bulletins tell us about the situation in the mining industry, encountered difficulties, and accomplishments, They help us understand the specific character of a coal miners’ job, and how important for them the fight for their rights was.

It is noteworthy that factory committees’ newsletters were an exchange of information and ideas. Announcement columns, letters from readers, and editorials constituted a platform for Solidarity Trade Union members to interchange their experiences, reflections and suggestions. 

Visit us at the in the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

If you are interested in the attached documents and in our other archival materials please contact us by email: . Please take into consideration that in July our archives are closed.

/Łukasz Grochowski, the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union,
Iwona Flis, Stanisław Flis Foundation “Pomerania Archives”/