Denmark-related holdings in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of Solidarity Trade Union

Denmark-related holdings in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of Solidarity Trade Union

Following our presentation of materials from Australia nad Belgium we would like to present records related to Denmark. They are kept in a few fonds and collections, namely in the National Coordinating Committee and the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union in Gdańsk (No. 3),  the General Committee of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Medicines and Medical Equipment Bank (No. 25), and in the Press clippings on the Solidarity Trade Union, collected by Aleksandra Dąbrowska – Petersen from Copenhagen (No. 67).

Among the presented scans of records from the National Coordinating Committee and the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union in Gdańsk, the most remarkable are telex messages sent from Denmark in 1981. They contain requests for gratuitous shipment of medical equipment for the Medicines and Medical Equipment Bank and quidelines for transportation.

Records of the General Committee of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Medicines and Medical Equipment Bank include a report of the Danish branch of the bank. Extremely noteworthy is a register of parcels received from Denmark, and an instruction “How to mail a parcel to Poland the fast way”. There is also correspondence with the General Committee of Free Poles in Denmark and with Caritas Denmark, as well as a bi-monthly “Informacje Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Danii” (News of the Polish Catholic Mission in Denmark) – issues from January and February 1980.

Worth noting is the press clippings on the Solidarity Trade Union collection by Aleksandra Dąbrowska – Petersen from Copenhagen. Ii contains materials related to independent labor union movement at the end of 1970s and from the 1980s, e.g. press clippings from the Polish oficial and underground press, and articles from Western press dedicated to the Solidarity Trade Union. Among scans pre sentedhere there is an invitation to watch the documentary shot in Warsaw in 1944, which was displayed at the 40th anniversary of the Warsaw Upprising. Attached is also an article on Lech Walesa and a press clipping on the resolution of the General Committee of Free Poles in Denmark of October 27, 1984. Worthy of mention is a leaflet containing the text of the protest made by Polish migrants living in Denmark, expressing their sorrow and grief after the assasination of Priest Jerzy Popiełuszko.

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If you are interested in the attached documents and in our other archival materials in the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union, please contact us first by email: .

/Łukasz Grochowski, the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union,
Iwona Flis, Stanisław Flis Foundation “Pomerania Archives”/