Switzerland in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

Switzerland in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

In our series on the records kept in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union we would like to share with you archival materials related to international cooperation of “Solidarność”. So far we have presented records of Solidarity’s cooperation with Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Japan, Germany and Norway, this time we would like to show some of our records related to Switzerland.

Swiss documents in our archives are kept in two fonds:

  • National Coordinating Committee and the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union in Gdańsk,
  • National Executive Committee of the the Solidarity Trade Union.

Among the most noteworthy documents from the end of the XXth century we can find:

  • correspondence of Stefan Nędzyński, Secretary General of  Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International, with Andrzej Gwiazda, Henryk Jagiełło, Anna Walentynowicz and Lech Wałęsa,
  • correspondence related to mailing ICEF publications to the Solidarity Trade Union (in English, German and French),
  • a letter from Secretary General of the International Metalworkers’ Federation, Herman Rebhan, regarding an invitation to Szczecin for the May 3rd celebration,
  • announcement by the Solidarity Delegation in Switzerland signed by Jerzy Grębski, Maria Nowak and Krzysztof Podolczyński on 19 February 1989.

Visit us at the in the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

If you are interested in the attached documents and in our other archival materials in the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union, please contact us first by email: .

The fonds list is available online at „Szukaj w Archiwach” – “Search the Archives” (https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/web/archiwum-komisji-krajowej-nszz-solidarnosc/zespoly).

/Łukasz Grochowski, the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union,
Iwona Flis, Stanisław Flis Foundation “Pomerania Archives”/