Germany-related records in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

Germany-related records in the Historical Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union

Following our presentations on the records related to Australia, Belgium, France and Japan, we would like to share with you selected examples of records related to Germany.

In the Historical Archives of the National Commission archival materials related to Germany are to be found in the following fonds and collections:

  • Priest Prelate Hilary Jastak,
  • Coordinating Office Abroad of NSZZ “Solidarność” in Brussels,
  • Barbara and Andrzej Piwarscy,
  • Postcard collection of the National Commission’s Historical Archives,
  • Wojciech and Joanna Dombrowscy from Hamburg,
  • Press clippings on the Solidarity Trade Union, collected by Aleksandra Dąbrowska – Petersen from Copenhagen,
  • General Committee of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Medicines and Medical Equipment Bank,
  • National Coordinating Committee and the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union in Gdańsk,
  • National Executive Committee of the the Solidarity Trade Union.

Among the records we have selected for this presentation from the Solidarity’s Coordinating Office Abroad in Brussels, there are scans of a poster and a communication from the Hamburg section of the Polish Socialist Party from 1986, as well as invitations for the exhibition on the Solidarity Trade Union which was on display in Munich in 1987. Attached is also a communication from the III March for the Liberation of Nations in Carlsberg in 1985.

The Bulletin with information on the Berlin Conference of European Catholics from May 1981 comes from the records of the General Committee of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Medicines and Medical Equipment Bank,

Worth noting is correspondence included in the records of Priest Pralate Hilary Jastak. It contains letters exchanged with the Relief Committee in Kiel, which acted as an intermediary in transferring donated goods to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Gdynia, as well as a number of letters expressing gratitude of families which received aid. Attached is also a scan of a double-sided card, which contains instruction on how to post a parcel on one side, and a list of products (like shampoo, shoe polish, soap, tea, chocolate, etc.) on the other side.

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If you are interested in the attached documents and in our other archival materials in the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union, please contact us first by email: .

/Łukasz Grochowski, the Archives of the National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union,
Iwona Flis, Stanisław Flis Foundation “Pomerania Archives”/